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Research and Educational Programme "Asian Dialogue"

Updated: May 4, 2023

Name of the Event: Asian Dialogue

Location: St Petersburg, Russia.

Date: 4-8 June, 2023.

Working languages: Russian-English (simultaneous interpreting provided)

Last Date of Application: 5 May 2023, 23:59 (MSK)

Link to Apply:

The Gorchakov Fund announces the launch of a new research and educational programme “Asian Dialogue” for studying the current development issues of the Eastern countries.


“Russia’s pivot to the East” is a model of adjustments to the foreign policy course and one of the Russian priority strategies for the 21st century. Today, the Eurasian cooperation and Russia’s focus on foreign economic interaction with Asia is on the increase. It needs a rethinking and the advancement of fundamentally different ideas for cooperation.

As an expanded space for dialogue, Asia is the leading actor in terms of share of total GDP and population. All the global powers are mindful of Asia’s potential. We understand the necessity for the dialogue between Russia and the Asian countries and its importance. The Gorchakov Fund also realises the importance of providing a platform for discussion and scientific exchange among young researchers. The new programme of the Fund is geared to meet these challenges.

The “Asian Dialogue” will thus become a youth-oriented and expert platform for finding answers to the challenges that emerge in the process of cooperation with the countries of this macro-region, as well as establishing strong ties between young researches and experts from Russia and Asia.

Aims of the event:

  • studying the current issues of the Eastern countries according to the region: South Asia, the Far East, and the Asia-Pacific region countries;

  • creating a platform for research and educational dialogue between representatives from the regional countries and the Russian academia;

  • drawing attention to the Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation and scientific achievements of young researchers.

The “Asian Dialogue 2023” will begin its work on the topic of cooperation between Russia and South Asia states. The programme will cover the fundamental avenues for cooperation in research with the countries of the region, as well as domestic issues which directly affect the foreign policy course of these states.

The event will include panel discussions, round table talks, scientific modelling in the format of situation analysis and foresight sessions. The experts of the programme will be the leading academics from Russia and Asian countries, representatives of state and community-based institutions, companies and media.

Who can participate?

Representatives of Russian regions and foreign countries:

  • researchers in the field of international relations, political science, economics, law, and history;

  • students of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies from relevant universities;

  • international journalists;

  • representatives of community-based organisations who study issues of international cooperation and public diplomacy;

  • young diplomats and representatives of state institutions.

The age of the participants must be 18-35 years. The group that participate in the event is formed on the basis of a competition.

How to participate?

  1. To fill out an application by using the form.

  2. To attach an essay or analytical report of up to 5,000 characters on one of the following topics:

  • relations between Russia and South Asia countries;

  • issues of the regional development: existing conflicts and possibilities for resolving them, as well as political and economic issues;

  • military and technical cooperation with the countries of the region;

  • participation in the work of integration institutions and prospects for dialogue

  • environmental and other problems and their role in interstate and interregional cooperation of South Asia and Russia;

  • transit corridors and their prospects (for example, North-South).

3. To attach a letter of motivation on your reasons to join the “Asian Dialogue 2023.”

Terms of participation:

  • The Gorchakov Fund provides accommodation in double rooms, meals, cultural programme and transfers in St Petersburg as part of the programme; visa-related support;

  • A participant pays for her/his travel to St Petersburg (air or train tickets), the visa fee (if no humanitarian visa is available), travel from/to an airport (railway station), and a PCR test if required;

  • The authors of the top three essays will be paid for their travel to and from the event venue.


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